Happy Mother Mary’s Day?

Welcome back to “In the Wilde!” where I discuss all things Mediumship, Astrology, Divinatory and Magickal. I hope you enjoy what you read while finding some fun information while visiting! Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms and single dads out there! This week I’m visiting a memory of the Mother Mary and how I think seeing her statue outside of a Catholic Church at 10 years old could have been what let me to my obsession with the Divine Feminine.

I was raised in a very strict United Pentacostal household and was always told "Catholics are going to hell" which confused me. I remember wanting to go into one of those magnificent cathedrals with the ornate stained glass to see exactly what kind of sin was going on that was sending them all to a fiery death.

When I was in 4th grade, my mom was invited to a friend’s babtism. We got all dressed up and headed to the church. When we pulled into the parking lot, my eyes lit up with excitement because we were, in fact, going to a Catholic Church. I remember my heart racing with excitement as we walked up the steps to the entrance. Hovering like a stone angel, was a soft carving of Mother Mary. I don’t think I even knew it was her at first. Yes, she was vaguely reminiscent of what the Sunday school books depicted her as but I noticed her face; soft, warm, but a bit sad?? She had a power that took hold of me right then and there but as fast as it happened, my mother grabbed my hand and whispered into my ear, “See? They worship false idols.” My heart sank as we walked past her but when we entered the church, sweet smells of smokey incense, somber organ sounds and a room that looked like what I’d always pictured a castle to look like! Was this HELL? And if it was, COULD I GO?

There were robes, there was a language I hadn’t heard before (Latin), and there were statues EVERYWHERE.

After the service, and as I descended down the stairs back to the drab parking lot, I looked back at the massive Mary with her soft, sad gaze. She had poured so much into me that day. It ignited something I didn’t understand back then, but realize now, she was in fact the face that opened up to something else spiritual. The face that led me to start seeking. The face that was a Mother to my new questions.


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