Hello and welcome, gentle seekers!

My connection with the spirit world began at a very early age. Was I an odd child? I don’t think so, but I was definitely hyper aware of every acute sensation both physical and intuitional. Whether it was my great aunt or the energy of someone who had passed in whatever apartment we were living in at the time,I was visited by gentle spirits that simply wanted me to know they were there. As I grew into a young woman I started receiving messages from different spirits as well. I was better able to read people in ways that eventually became an asset to my personal relationships and career endeavors both as a musician and Certified Sommelier. 

I have been afforded many passions in this lifetime and that I am grateful for, but it is through my work with the spirit realm that has shaped me into the healer I am today. There are many benefits that can be reaped from a Mediumship Reading. It can be used as a practice for healing to bring comfort and peace to those who are grieving as well as offer direction to those in need of life guidance.

If you are here on your personal journey in the discovery of the divine feminine, it is through my own passion and ritual of goddess divination that has brought me to this place of voice and educator to share the experiences that have worked for me in my own practice as well as help guide you on your own divinatory path. 

Thank you gentle seeker, for taking the time to read my story. I am honored you were guided here. If you have any questions regarding my readings, classes or workshops, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Note that each reading is fluid so that it will best suit your needs.

Mandy Wilde is certified by the Los Angeles School for the Spiritual Arts.

Mandy Wilde is certified by the Los Angeles School for the Spiritual Arts.