A Winter Pause: The Role of Rest During Yule

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As Yule is upon us and we get ready to settle into the folds of winter, it's essential to take a step back and allow ourselves a period of rest. This need becomes even more crucial in regions where seasons stay mostly the same. This week, we look at how essential it is to prioritize rest during winter, so join me by turning up one of my fav vibey tracks by Fever Ray “Now’s The Only Time I Know” and see how even a little winter pause can be a valuable opportunity to recharge for the upcoming year.

Winter is often associated with a natural slowing down, the falling of leaves, the hibernation of animals, and the shorter days that encourage us to spend more time indoors. However, in today's fast-paced and frenetic world, the significance of this seasonal slowdown is often overlooked. But taking a cue from nature allows us to pause, reflect, and recharge as a rejuvenating force.

The holidays can be both joyous and demanding. It is crucial to carve out time for genuine rest. Whether it's an evening at home, a leisurely walk, or simply curling up with a good book, (or in my case, and more often than not, a trashy novel) these moments of rest allow our minds and bodies to restore.

In regions without distinct seasonal changes, it can be even more challenging to recognize the need for this intentional slowdown. The absence of external signs like cooler temperatures and changing landscapes makes it especially critical for individuals to create spaces for rest and reflection.

Rest is a physical necessity and a crucial aspect of maintaining mental well-being, and if left up to the powers at be, we’d get none! Stir in the holidays and you see mixed bag of emotions: joy, nostalgia, stress, and sometimes loneliness. Taking the time to chill, allows us to process these emotions, fostering a healthy mind-body connection.

In areas with consistent weather patterns, like where I live in SoCal, the lack of external signals for rest might lead some to neglect this need. Individuals in these regions can prioritize their well-being and mental health by acknowledging the importance of intentional rest.

Taking a winter pause isn't just about recharging at the moment; it's also about reflecting and evaluating our past year's accomplishments, learning from our challenges, and setting meaningful intentions for the future. We can move forward with a clearer sense of purpose and renewed energy by resting and reflecting.

So remember, amid the whirlwind holiday rush, it's easy to overlook the importance of quiet time. Whether you experience the changing seasons or live in a region with a more consistent climate, this season provides a valuable opportunity to take a deliberate pause. By recognizing the significance of rest, we recharge our bodies and minds and prepare ourselves for the upcoming year's possibilities. So, as winter settles in, let's make a conscious effort to slow down, and savor the restful moments that will pave the way for a purposeful New Year.


Happy Mother Mary’s Day?


Lights Out! Hekate’s Deipnon