Ring of Fire Eclipse: When the Sky Wears a Halo

Hello Gentle Seekers!

Welcome to “In the Wilde!” where I discuss all things Mediumship, Astrology, Divinatory and Magickal. I hope you enjoy what you read while finding some fun information while visiting!

Eclipse Season is here, and things are already feeling shifty! I'm discussing the Aries / Libra eclipse season this week, so cue up the man in black Johnny Cash - “Ring of Fire” and let's dive in!

Some of you may remember making the shoebox box eclipse viewing boxes in grade school and, if you're like me, had a fascination with this striking astronomical event! They feel mysterious, right? I was always drawn to the magic surrounding these spectacular events. So, what is an eclipse anyway? An eclipse occurs when one celestial body moves into the shadow of another. This alignment causes a partial or complete obscuration of light, resulting in a darkened or dimmed appearance of the celestial body being eclipsed. Eclipses primarily involve three key celestial bodies: the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, and there are two main types of eclipses: solar and lunar.

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun's light from reaching certain parts of the Earth. This occurs during a new Moon, and there are three types of solar eclipses: total, partial, and annular, depending on the alignment and distances between the Sun, Moon, and Earth. This weekend, we will experience an Annular Solar Eclipse. Nicknamed the "Ring of Fire" because this eclipse leaves an appearance of bright light surrounding the Moon's shadow. Think back to when I talked about supermoons and how they are closer to the Earth; this Moon is further away and can't completely block out the Sun as it's not close enough to the Earth during this eclipse.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to fall on the Moon's surface, obscuring the Moon's illumination. There are three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral, based on the extent of the Earth's shadow covering the Moon. We will be experiencing a penumbral lunar eclipse on October 28th during our Full Moon in Taurus. (More on this during my Full Moon in Taurus post.)

As you've probably gathered, eclipses are rare occurrences, only happening in some months because the orbits of the Earth and the Moon are slightly tilted relative to each other, causing the alignment needed for an eclipse to be less frequent. Solar eclipses typically happen two to four times a year, while lunar eclipses occur about twice as often.

Metaphorically, eclipses can be symbolic spiritually and often seen as significant omens or events signifying change or transformation. *Reflecting on our path in life, there are distinct junctures where our trajectory underwent substantial alterations. ***Dangling modifier -Rewrite this or cut; what is the "subject" of the sentence?

A chapter may have closed or commenced during these instances. It's not uncommon for us to encounter the initiation and closure of life chapters so frequently that it almost feels like living through multiple lifetimes within one, whether these shifts were sparked by moments of joy or those that pushed us to our limits. Eclipses frequently play a pivotal role in instigating such transformations.

The clarity of what's destined for us is as palpable as what's not part of our path. Eclipses are recognized as moments when our intuition gets amplified and often resonates more profoundly within us. During these times, we may be inwardly directed to align with inevitable changes imposed upon us, leaving us feeling as though we have little influence.

Eclipse season embodies a profound sense of transformation, interwoven with a grander design. These celestial events herald a breaking open, a pivotal moment that, upon reflection, reveals itself as the gateway to enduring goodness and authenticity in the years ahead. Often, we may not grasp or fathom the purpose amid the present shift, demanding an often hard-to-swallow surrender. There is a yielding to the belief that something significant is taking root in that very instance, regardless of whether its future form is known to us.

With this set of eclipses in the Aries / Libra axis, a drive courses through the very essence of eclipse season. Eclipses embody the essence that seeps through the splinters of change, unveiling the divine nature of transformation. At the core lies resilience, presence, purposefulness, alignment, and a metamorphosis that draws us nearer to our authentic selves and the honey of life, whether it is felt in the immediate moment or unfolds its revelations later. In my experience, it's been the latter.

In the realm of transformation, there remains an unwavering that we cannot command nor choreograph, and this can feel frustrating, especially on this particular astrological axis. Within transformation, we find ourselves at the precipice, where the only viable choice is to release our grip and, yes, trust ourselves to remain open and receive. Fighting it doesn't help, but recognizing that we are in a familiar landscape can help because we have been navigating it for as long as we have been breathing.

So, what can you take from all of this? Remember, this is a reflective journey to those pivotal life instances that acted as the gateway to profound transformation. Take note of how you've navigated the currents of change, what blossomed during those junctures, and how your course altered after that? Say "fuck it!" and articulate and acknowledge your deepest aspirations and attune more keenly than ever to your authentic self!

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