A Self-Love Song: The Full Moon in Taurus

Hello Gentle Seekers!

Welcome to “In the Wilde!” where I discuss all things Mediumship, Astrology, Divinatory and Magickal. I hope you enjoy what you read while finding some fun information while visiting!

This week we are taking a look at the Full Moon in Taurus/partial lunar eclipse, a hymn to the lunar goddess Selene and of course your horoscopes, so cue up The Cure - “Lovesong” and let’s dive into all the the juicy Taurean currents and lessons.

Taurus, the earthy and sensual zodiac sign ruled by Venus, is all about luxury, comfort, and embracing the beauty of life. Typically, when the Full Moon graces this steady and determined sign, it infuses the night with a sense of stability and a longing for pleasure. Under the rich moonlight, we are enticed to indulge in life's simple and delightful offerings. The Taurus Full Moon encourages us to appreciate the material world and to nurture our relationships. It's a perfect time to reflect on our values and how we can create more harmony and abundance.

Now, let's add a lunar eclipse to the mix! A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon. There are three main types of lunar eclipses, each with its own unique characteristics:

In a total lunar eclipse, the Earth completely covers the Moon, casting a shadow that dims the Moon's light. The Moon can take on a reddish hue, often called a "Blood Moon," due to the Earth's atmosphere scattering sunlight and allowing longer-wavelength red light to reach the Moon.

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's penumbral shadow, the outer part of the shadow where the Sun is only partially blocked. The shadowing is subtle and often difficult to notice with the naked eye. The Moon may appear slightly darker or have a subtle shading.

In a partial lunar eclipse, which we will be experiencing on Oct 28th, only a portion of the Moon passes through Earth's shadow, resulting in a partial darkening of the lunar surface. The Moon appears as if a section has been shaded or darkened while the rest remains bright.

These celestial events are fascinating to observe and hold symbolic significance. Eclipses reveal hidden truths, trigger change, and encourage us to let go of what no longer serves us. During this lunar eclipse, the veils of illusion may lift, offering us a glimpse into the deeper layers of our subconscious. It's a time for self-discovery and letting go of old patterns or beliefs that hold us back from our true potential.

When the Taurus Full Moon converges with the lunar eclipse, we get a potent blend of Taurus' grounded energy and the transformational force of an eclipse. It's like watching a captivating performance where the main character undergoes a profound metamorphosis. Kafka anyone? As a collective, we are urged to find stability within the shifting currents of change, anchor ourselves in our values, find comfort in the familiar, and embrace transformation with grace and poise.

As with any Full Moon, we want to make sure we are allowing for the space to reflect and release to make room for growth and evolution; however, unlike most Full Moons, whenever there is an eclipse involved, we want to honor the unpredictable nature of these currents and try to embrace the stillness within us refraining from active ritual or magic.

A way to honor the Taurus Moon without interfering with the frenetic currents of the eclipse could look like indulging in soft pleasures. Treat yourself to some self-care and good food. A cozy night with your favorite meal and a relaxing bath can go a long way here.

As an earth sign, Taurus can be satiated by grounding energy to the Earth. A simple stillness in your apartment, home, yard, or park, taking in the smells and sounds of nature, could be helpful. One of my favorite things to do on the Full Moon is to recite a hymn to the lunar goddess Selene while holding a small mirror up to the Moon so she may adore herself. The Orphic Hymn 9 is a poetic composition dedicated to Selene, the ancient Greek goddess of the Moon. It praises her ethereal beauty, gentle radiance, and divine influence over the night sky. The hymn invokes Selene's power to bring peace, guide sailors (travelers) through the darkness, and illuminate the world with her silvery glow. It captures the reverence and awe that ancient Greeks held for Selene, portraying her as a celestial force with both mystical and practical significance in their lives.

The Orphic Hymns

9. To Selene

Hear me, O divine queen

O light-bringing and splendid Selene,

O bull-horned Moon,

Crossing the air as you race with the night.

Nocturnal, torch-bearing,

Maiden of beautiful stars, O Moon,

Waxing and waning,

Feminine and masculine,

Luminous, lover of horses,

Mother of time, bearer of fruit,

Amber-colored, moody,

Shining in the night,

All-seeing and vigilant,

Surrounded by beautiful stars,

You delight in the quiet

And in the richness of the night,

You grant fulfillment and favor

As, like a jewel, you shine in the night.

Long cloaked marshal of the stars,

Wise maiden whose motion is circular,

Come, O blessed and gentle lady,

Lady of the stars, through your own light

Shine and save, O maiden,

Your new initiates.

Want a more in depth look into this Full Moon and eclipse? Join my ONLINE workshop, ritual and meditation this Saturday, October 28 at 5 pm PST. This will be recorded so if you can’t attend the live, I will be sending out links so you can watch on your own time. GET TICKETS HERE

Alright, lovelies, here are your horoscopes for the Full Moon in Taurus which are active for the next 2 weeks. Enjoy and see you next week “In the Wilde”!

Aries (March 21 - April 19):

During this full moon in Taurus, your focus turns towards financial stability and security. It's an opportune time to reevaluate your financial strategies and investments. Assess your long-term goals and create a practical budget to help you achieve them. Trust your instincts when it comes to monetary decisions, but ensure they are grounded in careful consideration. Embrace calculated risks and cultivate a steady approach to achieving prosperity.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):

This full moon is a significant event for you as it occurs in your sign, illuminating your desires and intentions. It's a time to let go of what no longer serves you and manifest your truest ambitions. Your charm and determination will be at their peak, so use this energy to pursue your goals, both personal and professional. Trust in yourself and your abilities; the universe is aligning to support your journey.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

During this full moon in Taurus, your attention shifts to spiritual growth and self-reflection. Take a step back and connect with your inner self. Explore your beliefs and philosophies, seeking alignment with your authentic self. Embrace meditative practices or engage in mindful activities to find peace and balance within. Trust your intuition and let it guide you towards your higher purpose.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

The Taurus full moon brings a focus on your social connections and aspirations. Collaborative efforts will lead to success, so consider joining forces with like-minded individuals who share your dreams. Strengthen your existing friendships and expand your network to create a supportive community. Your creativity and innovative ideas will be highly valued, paving the way for mutual growth and fulfillment.

Leo (July 23 - August 22):

This full moon in Taurus draws your attention to your career and public image. It's an ideal time to showcase your talents and skills, gaining recognition and advancement in your professional sphere. Maintain a disciplined approach, stay organized, and strive for excellence. Balance your ambition with self-care to ensure sustainable success and a fulfilling work-life equilibrium.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22):

The Taurus full moon directs your focus towards expanding your horizons and seeking knowledge. Explore new interests, travel to unfamiliar places, or engage in educational pursuits. Embrace the adventure and broaden your perspectives. Let curiosity guide you as you embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, enriching your life and understanding of the world.

Libra (September 23 - October 22):

This full moon in Taurus highlights financial matters and partnerships. Collaborate with your partner or close associates to set joint financial goals and create a solid plan for achieving them. Open and honest communication regarding finances will strengthen your relationships. Work together to achieve mutual prosperity and ensure a stable financial foundation for the future.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):

During this full moon in Taurus, focus on personal transformation and emotional healing. Let go of past wounds and limiting beliefs, allowing yourself to grow emotionally and spiritually. Engage in self-reflection and forgiveness, finding the strength within to overcome challenges. Embrace the opportunity to release what no longer serves you and step into a brighter, more empowered version of yourself.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):

The Taurus full moon highlights your relationships and partnerships. Cultivate harmony and understanding within your close connections. Communicate openly and honestly, fostering a deeper level of trust and love. Balance your desires with those of your loved ones, and work together towards shared goals. Celebrate the beauty of togetherness and the joy that supportive relationships bring.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):

This full moon in Taurus shifts your focus towards health and daily routines. Evaluate your habits and make necessary adjustments to improve your overall well-being. Prioritize self-care, nutrition, and exercise to boost your energy and productivity. Small changes in your routine can lead to significant improvements in your health and lifestyle.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):

The Taurus full moon ignites your creativity and passions. Embrace your artistic inclinations and express yourself freely. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires. Your unique creativity and authenticity will captivate those around you, allowing you to shine brightly in your pursuits.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

This full moon in Taurus brings focus to your home and family life. Create a nurturing and harmonious environment for yourself and your loved ones. Address any unresolved family matters with compassion and understanding. Strengthen the bonds that matter most to you, finding comfort and love within the embrace of family. Create a sense of stability and security in your domestic sphere.

Interested in a Mediumship, Astrological or Goddess Reading? BOOK A READING HERE


Divine Duality: The Full Moon in Gemini


Séances and Screams: Mediumship in Horror