Emo Waters: The Full Moon in Pisces

Hello Gentle Seekers!

Welcome to “In the Wilde!” This is my first ever attempt at having a blog…interesting how I decided to start this during Mercury Rx, right!?

Well let’s dive in!

On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 we have our second Full Moon in the month, making it what is called a Blue Moon.

A Blue Moon is a term used to describe the occurrence of two full moons within a single calendar month. The term has historical origins and was originally used to describe a rare event, much like saying "once in a Blue Moon." Astrologically speaking, this occurrence can add a touch of uniqueness to our understanding of lunar cycles.

Speaking of lunar cycles, our Full Moon in Pisces casts its ethereal light upon the cosmic canvas, inviting us to delve into the depths of our emotions and intuitive realms. Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, is known for its profound sensitivity and spiritual connectivity. This lunation beckons us to release the boundaries that often separate us from the unseen dimensions of existence. It whispers of a time to let go of rational constraints and embrace the subtle whispers of the universe. Under her influence, we are encouraged to confront the inner mysteries that have long eluded our conscious understanding, fostering a sense of compassion not only for others but also for ourselves. This Full Moon's energy encourages introspection, creative exploration, and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life. She is asking us to blend the intuitive with the practical, allowing our dreams to inform our actions and our heightened sensitivities to guide us toward meaningful change.

Something else to note about the current celestial weather is we are at the tail end of Venus Rx this week. This cosmic event is a period of renewed harmony and enhanced connections in matters of love, relationships, and aesthetics. As Venus gradually resumes her forward motion in the sky, the lessons and insights gathered during her Rx phase are integrated into our understanding of partnership dynamics and personal values. It's a time to move forward with a fresh perspective, allowing for smoother interactions, a greater appreciation of beauty, and a deepened awareness of our desires. The conclusion of Venus Rx signals a time to put the insights gained into practice, fostering more authentic and fulfilling connections while embracing a heightened sense of self-worth and artistic inspiration.

That’s not all for the weather up in sky country! Mercury is currently in its early stages of Rx as of last week. I want to stress, this shouldn’t be looked at as a catastrophic event (Mercury Rx gets a bad rap) but rather as an invitation to tread carefully in the realm of communication, technology, and travel. This isn’t a bad thing, right?! We SHOULD tread carefully when we use our words, when we are behind the wheel and when we are signing contracts. This period encourages us to pause and reflect on how we convey our thoughts and ideas, urging us to be mindful of potential misunderstandings and glitches in communication. As Mercury appears to move backward in the sky, it provides an opportune moment to review and revise plans, projects, and agreements. While delays and miscommunications may test our patience, they also offer a chance to realign with our intentions and make necessary adjustments. We are asked to have introspection and seek clarity before making important decisions, ultimately leading to more effective communication strategies and a smoother flow of information once Mercury resumes its direct motion.

Alright lovelies, without further ado, check out your horoscopes for the Full Moon in Pisces, below.


The Full Moon in Pisces brings a need for balance between your dreams and practicality. Embrace creativity while grounding your aspirations in reality.


This Full Moon highlights your emotional connections. Reflect on your relationships and find ways to nurture both your heart and your responsibilities.


During this Full Moon, focus on your well-being. Take time to rest, recharge, and heal. Balance work and self-care for optimal results.


Your creative energy is amplified by the Full Moon. Express yourself authentically and let your artistic side flourish. Embrace your passions.


Family and home take center stage during this Full Moon. Seek harmony between personal life and career, creating a supportive foundation.


The Full Moon encourages self-expression and communication. Share your thoughts, ideas, and feelings openly, fostering understanding and connection.


Finances and self-worth come into focus. Assess your values, spending habits, and investments. Seek balance between material and emotional needs.


This Full Moon emphasizes self-care and inner exploration. Embrace solitude to delve into your emotions and release any emotional baggage.


Friendships and social connections are highlighted. Engage in meaningful conversations and collaborations that align with your personal growth.


The Full Moon inspires your career and public image. Align your ambitions with your true purpose and let your accomplishments shine.


Expand your horizons during this Full Moon. Seek new experiences, whether through travel, education, or personal growth.


As the Moon is in your sign, it's a time of heightened intuition and emotion. Trust your instincts and focus on self-care and self-love.

Interested in a Mediumship, Astrological or Goddess Reading? BOOK A READING HERE


Riot Grrrl: The Full Moon in Aries